International Symposium

Title “Connected vehicles for enhancing safety and reassurance – Possibilities of advanced driver assistance systems”
Purpose Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) connect vehicles to its surroundings such as the people, roads, and city functions, thereby making the vehicles even safer and more convenient. Elements of the ADAS are already becoming functions that come standard equipped in vehicles. In order for ADAS to evolve further and become even more widespread, city infrastructures must be developed and technological reliability must also be enhanced. Human factors associated with the drivers are also issues that will need to be discussed. This conference examines this new relationship between people and vehicles from a variety of perspectives, and will look into its various potentials for the future.
Also, this program constitutes part three of the symposiums held under the common theme of automated driving offered in collaboration with CEATEC Japan 2013 and ITS World Congress Tokyo 2013 that took place in October of this year.
Date 10:30 – 16:50 on November 25 (Mon.), 2013
Location Conference Rooms 605-608, Conference Tower 6F
